Friday, December 23, 2011

Welcome to our new blog. Whether you are just checkin' us out or plan to become our regular followers (we prefer to call you makes us feel "extra special"), we are soooo happy you are here! Today is a very happy day for us, which means we spent the entire day sleeping between 2 extra soft and cuddly blankets next to mom as she is our "hands" for this blog. We just got home from our first echocardiogram scan with board certified cardiologist Dr. Whit Church. Our scans came out NORMAL! Mom was sooooo relieved. We drove all day on Wednesday to Gilbert, Arizona, and got to our hotel at 8 p.m. Tori and I had a blast in our room. We stayed up bouncing off the walls and checking it all out till after midnight! Then, when we awoke on Thursday at 6:30, we were so excited about our new room that we played and chased each other and bothered mom till she got up! We had breakfast and played ALL MORNING LONG! Then at noon we left to our cardio appointment. My thickest part was 4.6mm and Tori's was 5.1 (in the septum area). Dr. Church told mom not to worry about it, but that next time we go in, we'll see if there are any changes. I was not happy at all about the scan. I was thrilled (as well as Tori) out in the lobby...getting LOTS of attention from the staff and other patients. However, when we got into the back room, I through a royal fit! I screamed like a psycho man, so Dr. Church decided to scan my sister first....bwahahahaha! Tori wasn't as bad as me, she thought Dr. Church was HOT and was quite star-struck to be in his presence. When she finished, mom came to get me and I tried my best to show her that this was NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Boy, was I wrong! Dangit! Dr. Church said she should try leaving the room, that maybe I'd behave....I knew I'd show him! Well, he had tech #1 go out and get tech #2 to help tech #1...UGH!!!! Two techs to hold me down, so I screamed and let 'em have it. To no avail....I gave up and just complied with a scream here and there just for good measure. When it was all over, I let mom know I was quite unhappy with her. I got some more attention out in the lobby, but I didn't trust anyone anymore :( So, when we left, I was soooo happy to be in the car. Tori and I crashed! We slept the ENTIRE way. Neither of us got up even once. We slept 8 hours straight! When we got home last night, I was still a little upset with mom, but after 20 min or so, I finally gave in and showed her how much I really love her. I am posting pictures of Dr. Church...the mean old man who tortured me and tried to kill me, seriously! I have proof, I have pictures! I want you to look really good at his face...he smiling with that "hahaha...I'm gonna get you type smirk on his face!" Tori says he was nice, but I swear, when it was my turn, he tried to kill doesn't believe me, but I know you will! I'm hanging in my stroller in the beginning of the trip...
Tori's chillin' in the back seat...
The techs LOVED us!
SEEEEE...that look on his face! I swear he was saying "I'm gonna get you!"
Tori's chillin' after her scan...she was listening to me scream for my life in the other room...
Going HOME!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I love it! Tell your mom to be nice to sounds like you had a very traumatic time at the Dr's. Glad you got to sleep it off, but the best way to be mad at mom, is to make sure you drop her toothbrush on the floor when she's not looking. Or better yet, climb up on the top shelf and knock something off just to see if it's plastic or not. If it breaks, you did it right. That will show her.
